With HTML5, we can use multiple <h1> tags on a page and be fine with SEO. One example is using <h1> for the site title and another for a post title. In the past it was viewed to strictly only use one <h1>
console.table(myObject); can output a table in the Google Chrome console with the object properties and values.
I Learned quite a bit more about object oriented javascript by contributing to a few javascript plugins.
Doing a tweet with a . in front of a tweet will add it to your timeline and allow more people to see i instead of just having the person you replied to and their followers see it. Example .@rdallaire Check out this link!
I want to start learning to do more things outside of internet technology.
Learn more about computer hardware. I used to have a desktop tower that I built and would keep updated with hardware and ever since using a laptop, I have lost that connection with hardware.
Optimizing websites as best as possible. Getting sites to load fast and not be heavy downloads on mobile devices. I currently do a bit of testing in this area, but there is a lot more that can be done.
To do more user research. I currently do a little bit using Google Analytics event tracking but more would be great. Investigating what converts on websites and what doesn’t and coming up with best practices and ideas.