Reflection of 2015 goals

Note: This is an older post from 2016.

In 2015 I grew a lot as a frontend web developer. I developed a fully function GulpJS based build tool that a whole design team uses to rapidly develop eCommerce websites.  I also started working a lot more with JSON API’s and developing apps that consume API’s.

Below are the Goals I had for 2015 with a short summary of what I accomplished.

Contribute code to an existing open source project.

I had few lines of my code pull requested and add to the jquery-rss project. I would like to contribute even more to other projects especially WordPress and WordPress related projects.

Finish my WordPress starter theme & workflow.

I got the basics of my WordPress starter theme, Bonsai, up and running and built an eCommerce site with it. I would like to set it up even more and start using it to develop client sites as well as themes.

Develop a few WordPress themes and sites.

I developed two WordPress sites the last year. One for a relative which is not live and the other is Flywire. Flywire was originally created with AngularJS and Firebase for the backend. I had some concerns about my data in firebase and also wanted an easier way to edit my data so I migrated it all to WordPress and used custom post types, taxonomies and the WP-API to create the backend for the website.

Learn more about MVC JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, Ember and React.

I learned a lot about AngularJS and built a full site with it (Flywire). I have recently been learning more about RiotJS.

Learn more about Node.js

I have been using a lot of node.js plugins such as GulpJS and some others. I would still like to learn more about the inner workings of NodeJS and eventually develop a project that runs on a node.js server.

Learn more about web components and Polymer.

I have started learning more about RiotJS which seems very similar to polymer as you can have custom elements and properties.

Continue to keep up to date with latest web technologies, frameworks, and ideas.

I have kept up to date with a lot of web design and development news ideas through podcasts, twitter, and reading articles.

Do more freelance & side projects.

The main side project I did in 2015 was Flywire. I did not do a whole lot of freelance projects in 2015. I would like to do more.

Write and share more. I want to keep this blog more up to date with my thoughts and what I am learning.

I did not write any blog posts throughout the year so this did not work out very well. However I did start sharing more on Twitter and discussing web design and development on Twitter.

Meet more people in the web development & design industry and keep in touch with them. This has been more difficult working remotely.

I went to the Pullman WordPress meetup once. I would like to start going more. I am starting a new job at the end of January so I plan on meeting more people in the industry there.

Continue to improve my web development & design workflow and become more efficient.

I have started using Sublime Text 3, command line along with Git every day that I work. Sublime Text 3 has helped a lot especially with the many color coding plugins it offers as well as custom macros to help with reusable snippets of code.

Keep an up to date projects & case studies page that includes projects I have worked on.

I did not do this at all in 2015. I would like to change this and keep my site up to date more often.

Create a site that generates passive income.

I started Flywire, however it does not currently have ads or any way of generating income. I plan to figure out some way to change this. I am also interested in developing more of my own websites in 2016.