Software and apps I use regularly - 2109

Development & Design #

Visual Studio Code - My current code editor of choice. I use Wesbos' Cobalt2 theme with some slight color and typography changes. I also use zsh + powerline.

Adobe XD - Used for quick mockups, layouts, visual style or page flow before getting into code.

Adobe Photoshop - Resizing images, optimizing images, sometimes editing photos. I use Adobe Illustrator once in a while when needed for SVG creation, editing, and optimizing.

Productivity #

Slack - Chat for work and a few other development groups.

Google Chrome - Chrome is my main web browser of choice. I am very familiar with the web inspector tools.

Gmail / Google Calendar / Google Drive - Emails and scheduling. I also use Google Docs and Sheets as much as I can so documents can be shared and collaborated on.

Google Keep - I use Keep for writing personal todo, shared grocery list, quick ideas for blog posts, notes on my phone, and quick thoughts. I like that I can easily use it on my phone and laptop.

Divvy - Window management for Mac. It allows you to quickly split windows into a grid.

Alfred - Productivity app that can replace the default mac search for command + space.

Learning & Entertainment #

Refind - I have started using refind a lot more for cloud-based bookmarking and a 'read later' list. It also shows me articles I may be interested in reading.

Spotify - I listen to a lot of music while working. I usually like to listen to electronic music while coding. I have a few public playlists on my profile.

Audible - I have been trying to listen to at least 2 audiobooks every 3 months. I usually listen to audiobooks or podcasts while riding my bike or doing chores around the house.

Pocketcasts - Podcasts. I had Pocketcasts before Spotify started adding podcasts. I enjoy the Pocketcasts interface a little better than Spotify for podcasts and I can increase the speed of the podcast if I want.

Netflix / Hulu - I haven't had cable TV in over 6 years and use Netflix and Hulu. Hulu has recently added live TV and a lot more content from traditional TV channels.

Reddit - I don't post a lot on Reddit but usually browse it to get info on /r/webdev/. I usually look at subreddits of current interests (RC Airplanes, BBQ, mid-century modern, etc.)

Social #

Instagram - Post photos and stories. Browse friends photos and stories. Sometimes used for visual inspiration.

Twitter - I have recently gotten back into Twitter usually talking about web design and development.

LinkedIn - I keep an updated CV and work experience. I also will share links and thoughts about marketing, design, and web development.

Facebook - Messenger with family and old friends. Very family focused. Sometimes use Marketplace to find good deals on mid-century furniture or tools.

Strava - I have started riding my bike a lot more and use Strava to record my progress. It is nice to be able to see improvements of similar paths that I ride over time. I can also see other cyclists that I know and their stats.